Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia. Transdiagnostic clinical strategies to improve sleep in patients with PTSD, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain

  • Author: Donn Posner
  • For: Helping Professions
  • Study time: 10 hours
  • Video time: 180 days
  • Certification 
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Donn Posner

Dr. Donn Posner is Founder and President of Sleepwell Consultants and has served as a consultant to organizations and individuals on a wide range of sleep health issues including insomnia, circadian arrhythmia, CPAP adherence, and parasomnias. He is also currently a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine
Lesson series


2 seminars of 5 hours.
Video lessons in original language

Insomnia is widely recognized to be the most common sleep issue, and it is also one of the major inconveniences addressed by health care. The consequences and comorbidities associated with chronic insomnia can have major repercussions in several areas of an individual's life: impaired quality of life, increased risk of falls and hip fractures, increased risk of medical and psychiatric disorders, and, ultimately, a worsening for all comorbid disorders.
Effective treatment of insomnia not only improves sleep quality and daytime functioning, but can also improve comorbid conditions such as chronic pain or depression. In particular, cognitive-behavioral treatments for insomnia have been shown to be of equal or greater effectiveness than sedative hypnotic medications.
This workshop is designed to provide clinical and research expertise from multiple disciplines and to convey the fundamental elements of cognitive-behavioral treatment for insomnia. 
The course begins by training participants in the basics of sleep medicine upon which the practice of CBT-I is built. The seminar continues by presenting empirically validated treatment methods and essential information about the etiology and evolution of chronic insomnia necessary to conduct assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and management of treatment resistance.

Learning Objectives.

Define the basics of sleep nomenclature, including sleep period, stages, continuity, and architecture.

Define and distinguish acute insomnia from insomnia disorders and discuss the importance of treating the chronic form in a targeted manner

Learn the evidence for the efficacy of CBT-I for both primary and comorbid insomnia disorder.

Learn the Spielman model of insomnia and the basics of sleep regulation, and show how to use these concepts in CBT-I treatment

Learn how to obtain useful data from the patient's sleep diary, and analyze it for use in the course of CBT-I treatment

Apply the techniques of stimulus control and sleep restriction therapy for the treatment of chronic insomnia

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